Anne Lowery
alowery at seolibraries.org
Tue Jan 24 13:07:22 EST 2017
Ohio Dept of Taxation sent an email out a couple of weeks ago that they
were discontinuing the distribution of state tax forms and that you should
only expect a few booklets. My IRS shipments are just being mailed
within the past week.... not sure if any have arrived yet.
Anne Lowery, MLIS
New London Public Library
67 South Main St.
New London, OH 44951
419-929-3981 - phone
419-929-0007 - fax
On 1/24/2017 12:56 PM, Mike Kirk wrote:
> So far all we have received is the Ohio tax booklet. I have received
> no indication what else we are to receive as far as state or federal.
> What else have you received and have you heard from either the Ohio
> Department of Taxation or the IRS as to what the plan is this year? I
> know both organizations want to limit the number of forms and booklets
> they print since most people file electronically. However in our
> library, it is amazing how many people are still using paper. (The 90%
> that file electronically must go to other libraries and the 10% that
> file on paper must come to Mount Gilead 😉)
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Mike Kirk
> Director/Fiscal Officer
> Mount Gilead Public Library
> 41 East High Street
> Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338
> 419-947-5866 (phone)
> 419-947-9252 (fax)
> mglibrary.org (website)
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