[OPLINLIST] ODN Needs Your Digital Collections!

PShumaker at library.ohio.gov PShumaker at library.ohio.gov
Thu Jul 5 12:20:35 EDT 2018

Please excuse cross postings:

The Ohio Digital Network (ODN) finished our successful second ingest for Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) in June. Currently we have over 99,000 items from 14 Ohio institutions discoverable in DPLA.  Ohio items have been viewed over 3,500 times in our first four months with DPLA<https://dp.la/search?partner=%22Ohio%20Digital%20Network%22>.

Our next harvest is scheduled for September. No collection or contribution is too small. Our smallest contributor has just 30 records. Our goal is to add at least 6 institutions, and over 26,000 records so we can have over 125,000 records in DPLA. We would love to see your institution represented in this harvest. Even your smallest collection can help us reach our goal. We can harvest any collection with an OAI-PMH feed, which is a feature of many digital asset management systems. We have successfully harvested collections from systems such as CONTENTdm, Bepress, and Omeka.

The first step to be part of DPLA through ODN is to sign our contributor agreement. Contact me and I will send you a copy. Next, you will need to make sure your metadata fits our Metadata Application Profile<https://ohiodigitalnetwork.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/metadata-application-profile-v1-4.pdf> (MAP). I'm happy to answer any questions you have about our MAP and preparing your metadata.

What questions do you have for us at the Ohio Digital Network? How can we work with you to include your institution's rich resources in our next DPLA ingest?

[cid:image001.jpg at 01D27BC6.E7601320]
Penelope Shumaker
Metadata Librarian
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
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Share Your Story<http://library.ohio.gov/state-librarian/share-your-story> by telling us how a
State Library service or resource helped
you or your library.

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