[OPLINLIST] FW: NEO-RLS News: Emerging Tech Virtual Symposium, Serving the Deaf Community, Grants, & Much More
Melissa Lattanzi
lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Tue Jun 16 09:51:59 EDT 2020
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NEO-RLS News-June 16, 2020
Weekly Update
* A Note from the Executive Director, Betsy Lantz
* The Customer Service Experience
* Communication Strategies: Working With the Deaf Community
* Many Opportunities to Help You with Your Learning Needs
* Grant Opportunity for Rural, Public Libraries
* Summer Food Service Program
* Begin Telling your COVID-19 Story
* FREE Communication Skills for COVID-19
A Note from the Executive Director, Betsy Lantz
[https://neo-rls.org/photos/59194_02102020090245.jpg] The Virtual 2020 Emerging Technology Symposium <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=58128&org_id=NEOL> is right around the corner! All of our previously scheduled speakers have risen to the occasion and are creating dynamic, interactive, virtual experiences. Because we want to make this Virtual 2020 Emerging Technology Symposium as successful as our past in-person symposiums and accommodate varied situations, we are bringing the Symposium sessions to you throughout the month of September. Thanks to an LSTA Open Grant from the State Library of Ohio we are able to offer all of the sessions for FREE to everyone. The Symposium will be kicked off on September 3 rd by the innovative and energetic team that created BLDG 61 at the Boulder Public Library. Janet Hollingsworth, Adam Watts and Zack Weaver, named 2019 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, will look at some of the barriers that prevent widespread and sustained use of the makerspace and will offer some solutions. Their presentation, "Don't Panic! WE are going to MAKE it," will start us off and include an open Q & A. They will close the day's events with a virtual Happy Hour to connect more deeply with all of you. Dates and information for the various webinars, poster sessions and breakouts will be forthcoming in the next weeks. Keep your eye on the newsletter and the website and sign up for all of the sessions, sign up for only the ones you want - but sign up and don't miss this great opportunity.
Betsy Lantz
The Customer Service Experience
[https://neo-rls.org/photos/CSABrand2020.png]Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 10 am <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=57611>
Customer service experience is the ability to provide positive experiences for and with our customers. In libraries, customers experience our services and programs and much, much more. An experience can be individual, or for a group or family and can take place in the library, on the phone, in our social media accounts and in our virtual branch (our website).
Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165474365.htm>
Communication Strategies: Working With the Deaf Community
[https://neo-rls.org/photos/CSABrand2020.png]It is increasingly important to make certain we are able to communicate effectively with everyone in our communities. The Deaf community faces new communication barriers as the presence of face masks at work and in public becomes the new norm. Join Bill Morgan, Artistic Manager, SignStage, on Thursday July 16th <https://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo_responsive.php?eventid=58249&org_id=NEOL> for an overview of Deaf culture and the opportunity to learn common ASL (American Sign Language) signs used in a library setting.
Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165476809.htm>
Many Opportunities to Help You with Your Learning Needs
The Silver Tsunami and Your Library-Learn to Surf or Be Swept Away! <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55822>
Directors Virtual Networking Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=58124>
Academic Library Directors Virtual Networking Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=58105>
Youth Services (Children & Teen) Virtual Networking Meeting<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=58122>
Human Resource and Fiscal Officer Virtual Networking Meeting <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=58123>
Outreach Virtual Networking Meeting <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=57858>
Tabletop RPGs (Role Playing Games) for Teens Done Virtually<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=58047>
Mental Health Issues and Your Library: An Introduction<http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=55861>
The Customer Service Experience <http://mms.neo-rls.org/Calendar/moreinfo.php?eventid=57611>
See More <http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165478031.htm>
Grant Opportunity for Rural, Public Libraries
STAR Net STEAM Equity Project<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ala.org%2Ftools%2Fprogramming%2Fsteamequity&data=02%7C01%7Cpshumaker%40library.ohio.gov%7Cb03b8e11e6734b654cf908d80c91e5a8%7C50f8fcc494d84f0784eb36ed57c7c8a2%7C0%7C0%7C637273168053641480&sdata=627gYflpYOjg450bJUE26NK1%2BiaOT%2Fji7dzOaP0WDOE%3D&reserved=0>
This project is seeking 12 creative librarians/library workers to lead their libraries' participation in a project at the intersection of transforming library services, gender equity and cultural inclusion (especially with Latino families), STEAM learning and positive youth development.
Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165471921.htm>
Summer Food Service Program
To participate in the Summer Food Service Program, THIS SUMMER ONLY, you have to be located in an area where at least 30% of the students are eligible for the National School Lunch Program (free or reduced price school meals). Ordinarily SFSP area eligibility is tighter - 50% of students - but this year because of the pandemic and increased need, the USDA waived a lot of the regular SFSP rules. Relaxing eligibility is huge. Many communities that ordinarily aren't eligible ARE eligible this summer.
Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165473143.htm>
Begin Telling your COVID-19 Story
Libraries are agile and have pivoted quickly to serve their communities in increasingly new ways. Now, more than ever, libraries need good data to demonstrate their relevance and how they are adjusting to various new realities. Traditional usage measures don't apply especially when their doors are closed and when there are limitations on in-library use.
The EveryLibrary Institute is committed to helping libraries clearly demonstrate their value in the digital sphere during COVID-19 and beyond. In collaboration with Counting Opinions, we're launching the eMeasures Snapshot survey -- a count week survey designed to capture your library's digital activity and community contribution, along with several COVID19 specific questions.
The eMeasures Snapshot survey is officially launching on Wednesday, June 17th following an orientation webinar session <https://www.everylibraryinstitute.org/emeasures_webinar?utm_campaign=counting_opinions_1&utm_medium=email&utm_source=votelibraries> on June 16th (and available on-demand thereafter). This is a completely voluntary survey and all questions are optional . We hope this empowers libraries to participate and use results for planning, advocacy, communications and awareness efforts.
Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165479253.htm>
FREE Communication Skills for COVID-19
PCI Webinar with Cordelia Anderson, Communication Strategies for COVID-19 on June 17th. <https://pciwebinars.com/event/communication-strategies-for-covid-19/>
Libraries are operating during an especially challenging time right now. Most libraries have closed due to the impacts of COVID-19. Like many other organizations, libraries had to close quickly, shift to a remote working model without much lead time, and pivot to offering "virtual" and remote services and programs.
Read More<http://www.neo-rls.org/v_newsletters/article_165601453.htm>
Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-June 16, 2020
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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1737 Georgetown Rd., Suite B | Hudson, OH 44236
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