[OPLINLIST] Continuing Education Roundup - Issue 2

marshams at library.ohio.gov marshams at library.ohio.gov
Wed May 6 11:38:28 EDT 2020

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For Ohio Library Staff
May 6, 2020
Vol. 1, Issue 2
In this issue:

* Introduction

* Connecting Patrons with Social Services

* Articles, websites, and webinars

Thank you all for reading and visiting links from the State Library of Ohio's  first Continuing Education Roundup<https://library.ohio.gov/services-for-libraries/training-and-professional-development/ce-roundup-ohio-library-staff/>. Things are changing at a rapid pace, and now libraries all over Ohio are making plans to reopen while keeping their staff and patrons safe.
An important service libraries provide is connecting patrons with the social services they need and providing a listening ear.  How can we provide these services and supply patrons with information during this time?  Can libraries pursue new partnerships with social service agencies to help provide remote services? How do library staff get prepared for the increased need in assistance with unemployment, healthcare, and mental health services?  These are all good questions to consider as we move forward through uncertain times and plan for reopening buildings and services.

Email me at ekelsey at library.ohio.gov<mailto:ekelsey at library.ohio.gov> if you have ideas, articles, or topics for future Continuing Education Roundup issues.
Stay safe and stay well,
Erin Kelsey
Click here to read in web browser.<https://library.ohio.gov/documents/continuing-education-roundup-ohio-library-staff-v1-i2/>
Some links and articles to remember:
The State Library of Ohio's COVID Information and Resources<https://library.ohio.gov/coronavirus-information-resources/#ForLibraries>
This includes links to government resources, library webinars and articles from a variety of professional organizations, and resources helpful to all Ohioans.

IMLS partnering with OCLC and Battelle to inform safe materials handling and reopening practices for libraries and museums. <https://www.imls.gov/news/covid-19-research-partnership-inform-safe-handling-collections-reopening-practices-libraries>

Submit your online programs to the State Library's Online Programs from Ohio's Public Libraries<https://library.ohio.gov/public-covid19-programs/>.  Be sure to share your library's innovative and creative online programs so anyone in Ohio can watch and learn!
Relevant articles, websites, and webinars on the topic of social work, social services, and connecting with communities.
WebJunction: All Ohio library staff have
access to WebJunction content<https://library.ohio.gov/services-for-libraries/training-and-professional-development/>.

 Cultivating Protective Factors for Safe Libraries and Resilient Communities<https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/protective-factors-safe-libraries.html> -archive of webinar held March 5.

Social Work students and Public Library Partnerships<https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/social-work-students-library-partnerships.html>-archive of webinar held April 29.

Whole Person Librarianship<https://wholepersonlibrarianship.com/>
The Hub for Social Work Collaboration

Multi-Sectoral Coalitions for Health: Bringing Public Libraries to the Table<https://programminglibrarian.org/blog/multi-sectoral-coalitions-health-bringing-public-libraries-table> by Noah Lenstra
Roxbury, NJ library calls the oldest<https://www.tapinto.net/towns/roxbury/sections/arts-and-entertainment/articles/roxbury-library-checks-on-seniors-delivers-masks-and-so-much-more-in-total-reinvention> and most vulnerable seniors in their community to inquire of their well-being and delivers masks.

Using Your Library's Virtual Presence to Reach Users with Disabilities<https://ala-events.zoom.us/rec/play/tJR_I-Gp_z43H9LDsgSDU6d8W428J_6s0iAX-fsNyx23AnQHYVr1YeFAYrbBf-EN8UuYdCPUU2E5JmCm?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=whugtk0FSkK35kHe0v4UkQ.1588249177316.70e6fac6adfa1c228bd93ac3145538e6&_x_zm_rhtaid=544>
Hosted by the Association of Specialized, Government, and Cooperative Library Agencies (a Division of ALA)

Public Libraries' Novel Response to a Novel Virus<https://www.theatlantic.com/notes/2020/03/public-libraries-novel-response-to-a-novel-virus/609058/> by Deborah Fallows. The Atlantic, March 31, 2020.

Erin Kelsey, Library Consultant, State Library of Ohio
274 E. 1st Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614.644-6889
Email: ekelsey at library.ohio.gov<mailto:ekelsey at library.ohio.gov>
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