[OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS News: DEI in Collections, DISCORD, Emerging Tech Kits, FREE, State Library & KSU

Melissa Lattanzi lattanzm at neo-rls.org
Mon Aug 30 12:48:53 EDT 2021

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NEO-RLS News-August 30, 2021
Editing Videos
A Note from the Executive Director
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/77535_07122021102302.jpg]At NEO-RLS we try very hard to provide programming we feel will be beneficial to library staff regardless of the type of library in which someone works.  We believe hearing from peers in other types of libraries can be incredibly beneficial, generating new ideas by providing exposure to different perspectives.  We also try hard to provide programming on topics that are relevant regardless of level or area of responsibility.  But, we know that we also need to balance those programs with learning opportunities that are track oriented, position oriented or type of library oriented.   Therefore, I am happy to let you know that we have two upcoming webinars focused on one of the core elements of what you are as libraries - your collections and how they are developed.  Our first learning opportunity is for those working in our academic library community and our second is for those working with youth collections.  On November 4 th, Courtney L. Young, University Librarian at Colgate University, will talk about Diversity and Inclusion as an Essential Ingredient of Collection Building <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52306167&nr=5783027917> .  She will talk about the role of an intentionally diverse collection on a college/university campus and the importance of assessing collections for diversity and inclusion.  On November 9 th, Tiffeni Fontno, Head Librarian of the Educational Resource Center at Boston College, will talk about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Youth Literature <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52307389&nr=5783027917> .  She will discuss how cultural competency influences the selection of diverse materials and services and will help participants understand that building an inclusive collection, one that reflects all children, takes more than a diversity list.  We hope you will join us in learning more about building inclusive collections that serve your communities.  Enjoy your week!  Together we are maximizing library potential.

Betsy Lantz
CE to Print and Share
Don't forget about CE @ a Glance<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52328163&nr=5783027917> .  A simple one-page flyer to share with your staff.
Not Too Late to Register
Indoors, and Outdoors, and Zoom! Oh My! - Flexible Storytelling for the 21st Century <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52309833&nr=5783027917>
Good Hiring Practices: Learn how to ask great questions & read basic body language signals <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52311055&nr=5783027917>
Youth Mental Health First Aid<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52329385&nr=5783027917>
Bargaining Basics and Best Practices<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52315943&nr=5783027917>
Disability 301: Recruiting a Person with a Disability: Do's and Don't's <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52330607&nr=5783027917>
Policing In Libraries and the Fog of Implicit Bias <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52312277&nr=5783027917>
This is Still So Important
Where is the Jobline?
Check out the job postings at the new  Jobline location on the website <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52296391&nr=5783027917> under Services.
NEO-RLS Network Groups Engage on DISCORD
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/79003_08272021101041.jpg]Throughout the past six months, we have been setting up Discord servers for each of our Special Interest Network Groups.  Members have consistently asked us for a means of communicating directly with others in their areas of special interest and after a lot of research and discussion we landed on the use of Discord.  Our process has been to present information to group members at a virtual Network meeting and then invite members to join.  Due to the administrative time involved in setting up the various servers, etc., we decided that Discord would be open only to those employed in libraries within our region.  We selected Discord due to the fact that it has a high degree of flexibility - The platform allows for moderation by a facilitator as well as a NEO-RLS staff member.  In addition, the platform makes it much easier to manage emails by providing the opportunity to keep topics and conversations located together for short-term and long-term reference.  It also allows for a heightened level of confidentiality due to the fact that only Network Group members may be invited to participate.  We are pleased with the ease of communication that Discord has provided for those interested and will continue adding servers for the Network Groups that will be meeting in the future.
More Opportunities to Network
NEO-RLS Announcements
We are temporarily suspending new reservations for the e-tech kits while we are short-staffed.  We WILL be filling all previous reservation requests.  If you have any questions, please contact Betsy Lantz <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52314721&nr=5783027917> .  We look forward to resuming the circulation of the Tech Lab and e-tech kits soon.

Do you have an interest in providing input to your regional in terms of programs and services?  If so, we invite you to volunteer for our Advisory Groups.  Advisory Group participation is open to all library staff who have expertise or want to gain expertise, and are interested in helping maximize library potential!  Information about the various groups is on the website <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52326941&nr=5783027917> .  Newly established Advisory Groups include a brief PowerPoint on their charge and the work they will be undertaking this year.  Please contact the Group facilitator, as noted on the website, by September 3 rd if you are interested in participating in a group.  Advisory Groups meet two times per year and will continue meeting virtually.  We look forward to your participation!
MARC Records
Free to a Good Home
[http://neo-rls.org/photos/79004_08272021101934.jpg]Baldwin Wallace University Library has consolidated service points and is no longer in need of its central reference desk furniture. They are offering it up to any library that may want it. Pictures are attached (chair not included). Dimensions are listed as well. The pieces are standalone, meaning that they don't have to be attached. We can't deliver them, so you'd have to find a way to transport to your institution. Let Chuck Vesei <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52361157&nr=5783027917> know if you're interested. "Operators are standing by!"

Read More<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52325719&nr=5783027917>
>From the State Library
The Buckeye Children's and Teen Book Awards voting period begins next Wednesday, September 1 through November 10. Buckeye Book Award voting will take place online at www.bcbookaward.info <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52331829&nr=5783027917> . There will be a button for students to vote directly, as well as a button for teachers and librarians who collect student votes and wish to submit them in bulk.

The Collaborative Summer Library Program is seeking program ideas for children, teens, and adults. CSLP's annual programming manual is made up of submissions from public librarians nationwide. The 2023 theme is friendship and kindness, and the slogan will be "All Together Now."

If you work in a rural public library, you may be eligible to apply for free books through the Pilcrow Foundation Rural Public Library Grant program.

The Pilcrow Foundation provides new, quality, hardcover children's books to rural public libraries across the United States.  It provides a 2-to-1 match to rural public libraries that receive a grant through its Children's Book Project.

Read More<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52319609&nr=5783027917>
NEA Big Read Northeast Ohio

[http://neo-rls.org/photos/07.06.21_Image_for_NEA_Big_Read_0.png]Kent State University is one of 61 organizations nationwide - and one of four organizations in Ohio - to be awarded a 2021-2022 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big Read grant. The university's $20,000 grant will support the Big Read Northeast Ohio, a community reading program and related events focusing on "An American Sunrise" by Poet Laureate Joy Harjo from October 2021 through May 2022. Harjo, the first Native American poet laureate of the United States, will visit Kent State in March 2022 for a keynote event and book reading. The official title of this project is the NEA Big Read Northeast Ohio. Click HERE <https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52333051&nr=5783027917> for more information.

Email<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52314721&nr=5783027917> Us or Follow Us on Facebook<https://mms.neo-rls.org/ct.php?lid=52320831&nr=5783027917>

Template 11 - NEO-RLS News-August 30, 2021

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Northeast Ohio Regional Library System | 1737 Georgetown Rd., Suite B | Hudson, OH 44236

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