[OPLINLIST] Reminder to Register: OhioDIG 9/13 "Accessibility in Digital Collections, " Columbus

Adam Wanter awanter at midpointelibrary.org
Thu Sep 7 07:32:58 EDT 2023

Reminder to register by 5pm on Friday!

We have 43 registered so far. Note: If you don’t remember if you already registered, go ahead and (re)register as it’s very simple for me to delete any duplicates!

It’s our last in-person meeting until May ’24 (Nov, Jan, Mar will be virtual.)

From: Carleton, Janet (she/her) <carleton at ohio.edu<mailto:carleton at ohio.edu>>
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 1:54 PM
To: ohiodig at lists. library. ohio. gov (ohiodig at lists.library.ohio.gov<mailto:ohiodig at lists.library.ohio.gov>) <ohiodig at lists.library.ohio.gov<mailto:ohiodig at lists.library.ohio.gov>>
Subject: Register: OhioDIG 9/13 "Accessibility in Digital Collections," Columbus

Please join the Ohio Digitization Interest Group for our September in-person meeting at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept 13, 2023 at the Martin De Porres Center in Columbus, to learn about Accessibility in Digital Collections.

Registration: Open until Friday Sept 8, 5pm or until room capacity of 100 is reached. Google Form: https://forms.gle/6wJrQeowdx4tDkUA9

Topic:  Accessibility in Digital Collections

As we strive to make collections and materials more accessible, we’ve often neglected to consider accessible to who, and accessible in what ways. Join us as OhioDIG takes a look into what accessibility is, and see how some institutions are taking steps to rectify their workflows and records.


— "Making Archives Accessible." Michelle Ganz, director of Archives, Dominican Sisters of Peace.

This presentation will discuss easy ways to make archival materials accessible to users and potential users as well as archival workers. We will discuss steps to take to ensure that websites and online exhibits are accessible and why accessibility is an important component of a digitization program.

— "Image Accessibility for Digitized Cultural Heritage Collections." Sidney Gao, digital collections manager, University of Cincinnati Libraries.

Learn how to enhance the accessibility of image-based digital collections by writing good, descriptive alternate-text (alt-text) and image descriptions. While this talk will focus on digitized cultural heritage collections, the principles can be applied to images in many use cases.

—  "Ohio State’s Digital Content Accessibility Workflow Taskforce." Joey Schulte, digital accessibility and licensing analyst, The Ohio State University Libraries.

In July 2022, Ohio State University Libraries created a Taskforce to take stock of the current state of its digital accessibility efforts in relation to the content it stewards across all units in the library. The Taskforce then made recommendations on how to comply with Ohio State’s Digital Accessibility Policy<https://das.osu.edu/sites/default/files/2020/11/policy-final-digital-accessibility-20210518.pdf>

Program Contacts: Adam Wanter, MidPointe Library System (awanter at midpointelibrary.org<mailto:awanter at midpointelibrary.org>); Sidney Gao, University of Cincinnati Libraries (gaosy at ucmail.uc.edu<mailto:gaosy at ucmail.uc.edu>).

Host: Michelle Ganz, Dominican Sisters of Peace Archives

Date:  Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 10AM-1PM

Site: Dominican Sisters of Peace<https://oppeace.org/> Archives, Martin De Porres Center, 2330 Airport Dr, Columbus, OH 43219 (Homepage - Martin de Porres Center<https://martindeporrescenter.net/>). Video: "How to find..." https://youtu.be/3Day2LbSUzc

Food: Coffee/tea & light snacks will be offered at the start of the meeting. Lunch will be brown bag. There is a nearby Dominican Sisters of Peace run café.

Cost: FREE! There is no fee for attending, but we will be accepting small cash donations for the refreshment kitty. Thank you to the institutions who host us, our volunteer speakers, and program committee!

Agenda: (Note: slightly longer day to accommodate more in-depth topic)

  *   10:00am-10:30am: Welcome & Coffee Social (coffee/tea, and light snacks)
  *   10:35am-12:00pm: Presentation & discussion
  *   12:00pm-12:10pm: Break/rearrange room
  *   12:15pm-1:15pm: Brown bag lunch, announcements, and all attendee update. (At the end of our meeting, we will do our usual Round Robin where all attendees will have a chance to share what they are working on, and ask digitization-related questions of the group.)
  *   1:30pm--  : Optional: Tour: Brief tour of the Dominican Sisters of Peace Archive.

Parking: Free. Attached to Martin De Porres Center. Video: "How to find..." https://youtu.be/3Day2LbSUzc

Tour:  Brief tour of the Dominican Sisters of Peace Archive. This will be OhioDIG's first visit to the archival space of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Includes a short walk from the meeting space to the archives. https://oppeace.org/


About OhioDIG: The Ohio Digitization Interest Group is an informal discussion group open to all with an interest in cultural heritage digitization, description, access, and digital preservation. https://ohiodig.org<https://ohiodig.org/>


Janet Carleton| Digital Initiatives Coordinator | Digital Initiatives | Mahn Center for Archives and Special Collections, Preservation & Digital Initiatives | OHIO University Libraries | Alden 333 | Athens, Ohio | 740.597.2527 | carleton at ohio.edu<mailto:carleton at ohio.edu> | https://media.library.ohio.edu<https://media.library.ohio.edu/> | she/her/hers

Visit our Social Media

https://www.instagram.com/aldenlibrary/ | http://pinterest.com/OhioDigiArchive/ | https://bit.ly/ou-uaSpotify | https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ohiou-digital-collections | https://twitter.com/AldenLibDigital | http://bit.ly/YouTube-OU-hist-films & http://bit.ly/ou-di-youtube | https://sites.ohio.edu/library-archives-blog/

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