[OPLINLIST] Executive Director search - Manistee County Library (MI)

Beth Barker bethbarker at BradburyMiller.com
Thu Sep 21 14:17:12 EDT 2023

Executive Director of Library Services - Manistee County Library (MI)
The Manistee County Library (MI)<https://www.manisteelibrary.org/> Board of Trustees seeks a thoughtful and engaging leader as its next Executive Director of Library Services. With a $1.5 million budget, 18.5 FTE, and six locations, the library provides over 24,000 residents with essential services and resources through a variety of programming, diverse print and electronic resources, and knowledgeable staff. Library highlights include robust children's programming, a Library of Things collection, and one-on-one technology assistance. In the coming years, the library will be focusing on a renewal of its existing tax millage, an assessment of the organization's facilities, and building lasting relationships with community organizations.
Nestled along the shores of Lake Michigan, Manistee County boasts a unique blend of natural beauty and small-town charm that make it a destination for many. The area has a rich history, with Victorian-era architecture adorning the streets of downtown Manistee. The county's arts scene, featuring the historic Ramsdell Theatre, eight museums, and frequent Little River Casino concerts, offers cultural enrichment for all. The area offers hiking, fishing, and water sports across 25 miles of sandy shoreline on Lake Michigan, over 500,000 acres in the Manistee National Forest, multiple inland lakes, 270 miles of rivers, and many four-season fisheries.
Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Manistee County Library Board of Trustees, the Executive Director of Library Services plans and directs the services of the library system to provide for the education, reading entertainment, and information needs of the community.  The Executive Director of Library Services, as the only staff member with an MLS, is responsible for building and maintaining library collections; developing policies for Board approval to guide library operations; supervising library staff, training new staff members, assisting in negotiations with the libraries' unionized employees, preparing and administering the budget, and performing other administrative functions.
Qualifications: A master's degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school and five years of progressively more responsible experience in library administration with extensive prior supervisory/administrative experience is required. The Library Board, at its discretion, may consider an alternative combination of formal education and work experience. The ideal candidate will have experience with long-range planning, training new library workers, involvement with a successful millage effort, and be a team leader who will serve as the face of the library.
Compensation: The hiring salary range is $60,000 - $75,000 (with placement negotiable dependent on experience and qualifications) and an excellent fringe benefits package.
For further information, contact Bradbury Miller Associates<https://bradburymiller.com/>. Apply via email with a meaningful cover letter and your resume as Word or PDF attachments to Brian C. Hare<mailto:brianhare at bradburymiller.com> (brianhare at bradburymiller.com<mailto:brianhare at bradburymiller.com>). This position closes on Sunday, October 22, 2023.
View the most up to date version of this announcement in its entirety along with accompanying links at https://bradburymiller.com/job/manistee/.

Beth Miller Barker
Finance and Communications Director
Bradbury Miller Associates
(mobile) 330-340-7115
bethbarker at bradburymiller.com<mailto:bethbarker at bradburymiller.com>
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