[OPLINTECH] Problem with CASSIE guest passes

Jan B bergerja at oplin.org
Thu Mar 29 12:05:41 EDT 2012

Hello all,


I have a question for those of you who use the CASSIE reservation system. We
have been using the system for almost a year. We have had no problems with
guest passes until just the past couple of days. 


Our passes allow 800 minutes and are set to a full day of use. Some patrons
will use a pass, leave for a few hours, then come back and use the same pass
again the same day. Other patrons use a pass, turn it back in to the desk,
then the pass gets handed back out to another patron and they use it, with
no problem.


Lately we receive an "invalid account" message from roughly 20% of the guest
passes we print. We stopped reusing passes. Our parameters for duration and
permissions have not been adjusted. We print fresh passes when we run out of
"valid" guest accounts, so that is the quick fix. But I am curious about the
issue. Has anyone else had this issue?


Thank you in advance,


Jan M. Berger

IT Coordinator

Lebanon Public Library

101 South Broadway

Lebanon, OH 45036



Phone: (513) 932-2665

Fax: (513) 932-7323




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