Chad Neeper via OPLINTECH oplintech at lists.oplin.org
Wed May 10 15:20:33 EDT 2017

So far, none of the libraries I work with have implemented any specific
mobile device management technologies. That being said, I mostly work with
libraries that are relatively on the small side.

WRT to the wireless config, I've been migrating my libraries to a four-SSID

   1. Public SSID -- visible, no password, requires Captive Portal
   acceptance, no local network access (only Internet)
   2. Staff SSID -- visible, password, no C.P., no local network access
   (only Internet)
   3. Staff computer SSID -- hidden, password, no C.P., same VLAN as wired
   staff computers
   4. Patron computer SSID -- hidden , password, no C.P., same VLAN as
   wired patron computers

Patrons are free to use the Public SSID, as long as they agree to the C.P.
and they get re-nagged every two hours or so.
Staff can use the Staff SSID so that they DON'T get nagged by the C.P. (It
gets annoying after a short while!)
The other two SSIDs are hidden and allow for library-owned wireless-enabled
devices to be on the same network as the wired computers. This allows
flexibility in computer placement adn use.

Specifically to your question, the staff don't know about and can't connect
to the hidden SSIDs, and thus can't directly connect to the library's
servers/computers on those VLANs. Email is web-based and web-hosted, so
they could access it from pretty much *any* web-enabled device whether
they're in the library or not. I suspect the staff sometimes use their
personal devices to snap pictures here and there, but they're left with
e-mailing it to themselves or moving them to USB storage devices to get
them to a library-owned computer.

Lastly, I have several staff that contact me regarding IT issues via SMS
messages. While it's not exactly related, it does bring up the issue of
data retention holes. There can be policies configured for email. But those
don't extend to SMS communications. It's just another instance of
technology outpacing policy and laws. So....?

You might consider post this same question on OPLINLIST to get a wider
scope of policy responses since it's as much a policy issue as a technical

Good luck exploring the rabbit hole.  :-)

2 cents,

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

*Full IT/Computer consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 2:48 PM, Robin Bombin via OPLINTECH <
oplintech at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> How do you handle BYOD for your staff? We have staff that want to use
> their personal cell phones to take program photos, check their email, etc.
> for work purposes.
> Do you have a BYOD policy and/or do you use mobile device management
> technology?
> Thank you,
> Robin Bombin
> Information Technology Supervisor
> 937.339.0502 ext. 111 <(937)%20339-0502>
> rbombin at tmcpl.org
> [image: Troy-Miami County Public Library logo, small]
> <http://www.tmcpl.org/>
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