[OPLINTECH] Mobile hotspot lending

Karen Perone kperone at rodmanlibrary.com
Tue Nov 14 15:32:19 EST 2017

Many thanks to all who responded to my request for information on 
lending mobile hotspots. Several folks asked for my findings so here you go:

I received 11 responses. All responded that the borrower must be at 
least 18 years old and their card needed to be in good standing. In 
addition, 3 libraries required a current, valid photo ID be shown at the 
time of checkout.

Seven libraries had formal board policies related to the mobile 
hotspots; four responded that the regular borrowing agreement was all 
that was needed. Three libraries had borrowers sign an agreement before 
they could check out the device and 8 did not.

When asked about whether the devices were holdable or renewable, 6 said 
they allowed renewals if no holds (but they're in such demand, there are 
always holds!), 4 did not allow renewals. Six libraries allowed holds to 
be placed.

Length of checkout was primarily 2 weeks or 1 week:
2 weeks - 5
1 week - 4
10 days - 1
1 library had a few 1 day loan devices in addition to their 2 week loans

Replacement fees and overdue fines were all over the board:
Fines per day:
$10 - 1
$7 - 1
$5 - 3
$3 - 1
$2.50 - 1
$1 - 1

Replacement (complete kit)
$300 - 1
$200 - 1
$130 - 1
$100 - 1
$90 - 1
$72 - 1

Here are the policies/lending guidelines I received:

Karen Perone              kperone at rodmanlibrary.com
Head of Technology and Technical Services
Rodman Public Library     voice: 330-821-2665 x101
215 E. Broadway Street    fax: 330-821-5053
Alliance, OH 44601        http://www.rodmanlibrary.com

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