Phil Shirley pshirley at cuyahogafallslibrary.org
Tue Nov 28 10:07:01 EST 2017

Is anyone using Windows 10 LTSB, or have you thought about it? It seems 
very appealing to not have computers automatically upgrade to a new 
version of Windows or be nagged about preparing for new versions.

I see that LTSB doesn't include some features/programs. The only one I 
think I might miss is Edge, and that's only because I like to provide a 
variety of browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE) -- I actually don't know 
if we would miss Edge.

Phil Shirley
Technology Services Coordinator
Cuyahoga Falls Library
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
330-928-2117, ext. 109
pshirley at CuyahogaFallsLibrary.org

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