[OPLINTECH] Category 2 E-rate Funds

Don Yarman don at oplin.ohio.gov
Mon Aug 21 09:57:01 EDT 2023

Has your library applied for Category 2 E-rate funds? I'd be interested in
hearing from you about what you did.

While I know more than I care to about Category 1 E-rate, Category 2 is
something of a mystery to me. I want to do more to encourage libraries to
take advantage of these funds, so I'd like to know some of the things you
have used the money for, and any pieces of advice you want to pass along.

Thanks for your help.

                    Don Yarman (he/him/his)
                    Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network
                    2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204
                    don at oplin.ohio.gov | 614.728.5250
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