[OPLINTECH] *External* Re: Category 2 E-rate Funds

Justin Bumbico jbumbico at columbuslibrary.org
Mon Aug 21 11:20:27 EDT 2023

We apply for C2 funding each year.  We have been working to incorporate C2 funding requests into each building project for structured cabling and any additional network equipment needs.

Additionally, we've been successful in funding a full system wide wireless and switching refresh as well as branch UPS systems.  One useful thing to note is that fees associated with the project (consulting and installation) could qualify as well.

A good place to review what qualifies is the eligible service list - https://www.usac.org/e-rate/applicant-process/before-you-begin/eligible-services-list/ .

I'm also happy to share additional details.


Justin Bumbico │ Director of Information Technology

Columbus Metropolitan Library | Main Library

96 S. Grant Ave. | Columbus, OH 43215

614.479.3038 office │614.592.7640 cell

jbumbico at columbuslibrary.org<mailto:jbumbico at columbuslibrary.org>

My pronouns are: he/him/his


From: OPLINTECH <oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org> on behalf of Larry Ritchie via OPLINTECH <oplintech at lists.oplin.org>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 10:07 AM
To: OPLINTECH (OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org) <oplintech at lists.oplin.org>; Don Yarman <don at oplin.ohio.gov>
Subject: *External* Re: [OPLINTECH] Category 2 E-rate Funds

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We did Cat 2 to pay for new APs, firewall, cabling & switches for 5 buildings.

As for advice I'd say its important to get a walkthrough done BEFORE you do the project so you know exactly what you need and then figure out what it'll cost so you can budget accordingly and you can have a realistic idea of what to tell vendors who apply your budget and how you want things done.

When you do the project its good to insist on walkthroughs from the companies bidding, that way you can get a sense of who is worth working with and who isn't. We had one vendor who clearly wasn't qualified, thankfully they weren't the lowest in price but its easier to disqualify if you've actually talked to them and have reasons to point out why you don't want to work with them. Also was surprised at how many vendors just watch the e-rate website and will try and bid.

With multiple walkthroughs people will bring up stuff you hadn't thought of previously too which is good.

Expect to go over budget unfortunately. Once you get into the project stuff will come out that no one realized during the planning process.

Would recommend hiring a consultant to help w the process, the paperwork and stuff is a nightmare.

We literally just did this a few months ago so I'm open to sharing more about our experience if anyone is interested.

Thanks Larry

Larry Ritchie
IT Manager, Tuscarawas County Public Library System

Office: 330.364.4474 ext 235

Cell: 330-983-6941

lritchie at tusclibrary.org


121 Fair Avenue NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663

From: OPLINTECH <oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org> on behalf of Don Yarman via OPLINTECH <oplintech at lists.oplin.org>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2023 9:57 AM
To: OPLINTECH (OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org) <oplintech at lists.oplin.org>
Subject: [OPLINTECH] Category 2 E-rate Funds

Has your library applied for Category 2 E-rate funds? I'd be interested in hearing from you about what you did.

While I know more than I care to about Category 1 E-rate, Category 2 is something of a mystery to me. I want to do more to encourage libraries to take advantage of these funds, so I'd like to know some of the things you have used the money for, and any pieces of advice you want to pass along.

Thanks for your help.

                    Don Yarman (he/him/his)
                    Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network
                    2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204
                    don at oplin.ohio.gov<mailto:don at oplin.ohio.gov> | 614.728.5250
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