[oplinwebkits] Double-checking on Part II upgrade dates

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Tue Nov 27 08:51:52 EST 2012


If your library meets the following criteria, please contact me ASAP so we can get your calendar conversion on the schedule! 

    1. You still have to clone events, rather than specifying how they repeat, AND 
    2. You never got a date telling you when your library's Part II upgrade (calendar conversion) will be. 

I want to ensure that no one fell through the cracks. Thanks! 



Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS 
Library Services Manager , Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) 
(614) 728-5252 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax) 
laura at oplin.org | http://www.oplin.org/ 

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