[oplinwebkits] Forthcoming site upgrades: please read carefully!

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Mon Oct 15 09:52:46 EDT 2012

Hello folks, 

As you know, the November-part-of-December work hiatus for Website Kits is coming up. This year, we will be adding two improved features for all site: 

    • A convenient link to the OPLIN Website Kit documentation from your administrative side block, and 
    • A more intuitive file uploader that will also allow for more than one upload at a time. 

In addition, we will also be converting any sites using the old event system (that uses cloning) to the new calendar system (which allows for easier repeating events). 

These upgrades will be done in two parts, and your library needs to be aware of two different dates. 

    1. Part I: The new, improved features (file uploader, documentation link) will be done during the week of October 29th-November 1st. This upgrade will *not* require your site to be down; however, you should not attempt to make any changes to your site while this first step is being completed. Your library will be notified in a separate email as to when your Part I upgrade will take place. 
    2. Part II : This is the conversion of the old events system to the new calendar system. Your site will be down for a time in the morning, before 10 am. You should not make any attempt to make changes to your site while this step is being completed. **This step will not apply to all libraries; if you don't use "cloning" to repeat events, your site is not subject to this upgrade*** Your library will be notified in a separate email regarding the date for your Part II upgrade (if your site requires this conversion). 

Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions! Thanks for your patience, 



Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS 
Library Services Manager , Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) 
(614) 728-5252 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax) 
laura at oplin.org | http://www.oplin.org/ 

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