[oplinwebkits] Help needed: Updating your contacts

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Wed Sep 12 09:26:09 EDT 2012


We'd like to make sure that we have updated the recipients list for this listserv. If you have had staff changes at your library, such as: 

    • A new director 
    • A new tech 
    • Someone else/someone additional is now responsible for working with your library's Website Kit 
    • Someone left who used to be responsible for working with your library's Website Kit 

Please respond to laura at oplin.org (NOT this listserv!) with the email address and name of the person who needs to be removed/added. Thanks for your help! 


Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS 
Library Services Manager , Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) 
(614) 728-5252 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax) 
laura at oplin.org | http://www.oplin.org/ 

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