[oplinwebkits] All sorts of miscellaneous notes

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.org
Thu Feb 28 09:47:23 EST 2013

G'morning all, 

In no particular order: 

    * Pre-orders for the 2013 statewide Summer Reading Program design template are being taken until April 1st . Learn more at http://oplin.org/2013-summer-reading-template-now-available-pre-order . 
    * If you would like to have your calendar color-coded by location (or by event type, if your library has only one location), let me know. (No charge!) 
    * If OPLIN did your site logo and you would like a version to match your online catalog, let me know. (No charge!) 
    * Links to the new Website Style Guide have now been added to all of the Dynamic Website Kits. Please be sure to tell me if you don't see yours. Also, if there is a particular topic you'd like to see covered in the Guide, we're happy to oblige. 
    * Is there a particular kind of clip art you'd like to see added to the OPLIN collection? We're always taking suggestions. 
    * If you have staff that are no longer involved with your library's site but were on this mailing list, please let me know ASAP so we can get them removed. By the same token, if you have people to add, let me know that, too. 

Lastly, we know some libraries have expressed an interest in having their sites re-designed this year. Sites do age, design trends change and it may simply be time for a cleaner look if your library's site has become cluttered over time. If your library is wanting a redesign this year, I encourage you to contact me and get yours into the queue, so that the work can be completed on a timeline that is best for your library. Remember, the Website Kit queue is always "first-come, first-serve!" 

As always, if you have questions, please ask. Thanks much, 



Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS 
Library Services Manager , Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN) 
(614) 728-5252 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax) 
laura at oplin.org | http://www.oplin.org/ 

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