[oplinwebkits] FAQ concerning Google Analytics access

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Apr 21 13:29:31 EDT 2021

*I have been getting a lot of questions recently about Google Analytics, in
light of the recent need to report website numbers for the state.  Here are
some FAQ that may help you--Laura*

   1. *Does our website already collect statistics? *Yes. All Website Kits
   are connected to your library's Google Analytics account upon launch to the
   2. *Do you have access to our library's Google Analytics account?* In
   nearly every case, the answer to this is "no." GA is set up by individual
   libraries, and then the library sends me a site-specific tracking code,
   which we just plug into the Website Kit, creating the connection to the GA
   3. *What if we can no longer access our library's GA account or the
   person who had access left?* If you have access to the old person's
   email account, you may be able to reset the password. If not, your options
   are extremely limited. *This is why GA credentials should always be
   passed on and kept in a central location that others can access!*
   4. *Should we set up a new GA account if we can't get in?* This is
   always, *always* going to be the last resort. While setting up a new
   account isn't difficult, it does mean that your library will lose ALL past
   metrics collected and you will have to start over from scratch. Far from
   ideal! If you need to set up a new account, please contact me directly.

*If you have other questions concerning GA that are not answered here,
please contact me directly at laura at oplin.ohio.gov <laura at oplin.ohio.gov>.*
*Laura Solomon,  MCIW, MLS*
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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