[oplinwebkits] PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! Major migration beginning next week

Laura Solomon laura at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Oct 3 10:45:31 EDT 2023

***If you have questions about any of this, please email me directly at
laura at oplin.ohio.gov <laura at oplin.ohio.gov>, rather than responding to the

As many of you know, the Webkits service runs on the Drupal content
management system. It is currently running on version 9, which will reach
end of life in November of this year. As part of the upgrade process OPLIN
will be performing significant work on the back end of the sites, beginning
next week.  There's a lot of information to be disseminated here. In no
particular order:

   - *The upgrades will not be visible to your end users; the vast majority
   will occur "under the hood," where they are not visible in the site or user
   interface.* There will be some minor changes to the *look* of the
   administrative interface; you'll find it looks cleaner. Everything should
   pretty much be where you expect it to be.
   - *There will be one major noticeable change, and that is in how YouTube
   videos are embedded.* This will be slightly different, and the feature
   now includes the ability to embed audio as well.  You can see how this will
   work here <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emabZtFQffU> in a YouTube
   video. The video shows some other minor improvements to CKeditor.
   - *When the migration of your library's Webkit is scheduled, we will ask
   you to put new content and changes on hold for a brief amount of
time. *Sites
   will need to be in a temporarily static state, or changes will be lost.
   This will generally be for 1-3 days at most.
   - *Once your library's Webkit has been upgraded, we will ask you to
   review the new version for issues as quickly as possible.* *We recommend
   making sure that you have someone available either the day of your site's
   migration or, at the latest, the day after. *
   - *Small tweaks and fixes may be needed. *Each Webkit is a little
   different and there are a lot of moving parts that have to be managed!
   While we've been testing extensively for the past several months, projects
   this large almost always need some tweaking. We appreciate your patience
   while we work through these.
   - *Your library will be notified of its migration date in the next day
   or so.* Once you receive that notice, we will ask you (at least one
   person per library) to respond, indicating that your library is aware of
   the date and requirements.
   - *Don't panic. *Front-end changes are relatively minor. We'll be
   assisting as needed. Some of you have lived through the last time we did
   this, back in 2019, and this will be old hat to you (and with far fewer



***If you have questions about any of this, please email me directly at
laura at oplin.ohio.gov <laura at oplin.ohio.gov>, rather than responding to the
*Laura Solomon,  MCIW, MLS *(She/her)
*Library Services Manager,* Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
(614) 752-0792 (voice) | (614) 728-5256 (fax)
laura at oplin.ohio.gov | https://oplin.ohio.gov
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