[SEO-Members] Value Line - Selection & Opinion

Alicia Wilkins awilkins at logancountylibraries.org
Fri Mar 13 18:07:38 EDT 2020

We no longer receive Value Line and I don’t remember the exact number of months we kept.  October 2018 is excessive.  Are they numbered 1 – 12?  If they are, I think it would be safe to pull any after the most current “12” or whatever the highest number is.

Alicia Wilkins
Reference Services Manager
Logan County Libraries
220 N. Main St
Bellefontaine OH  43311-2288
937-599-4189 (ph)
937-599-5503 (fax)
awilkins at logancountylibraries.org

From: SEO-Members <seo-members-bounces at lists.oplin.org> On Behalf Of Michael Thornton
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2020 2:20 PM
To: seo-members at lists.oplin.org
Subject: [SEO-Members] Value Line - Selection & Opinion

Hello all,

Perhaps this question will be a change of pace for everyone on a nervous Friday. I am attempting to get our Value Line binders under control, and it has been a long time since I have worked directly with it, so I could use advice and a jog to my memory. What is best/intended practice for retention for the Selection & Opinion? It enough to keep the current 13 issues or should I go back further? We have back to October 2018 which seems excessive for stock information.

Your thoughts are much appreciated.

Michael W Thornton | Information Services Manager
Ashtabula County District Library
4335 Park Ave, Ashtabula, OH 44004
440.990.2337 (office)
Ashtabula Branch 440.997.9341 | Geneva Branch 440.466.4521
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