[SEO-Members] Indeed.com disabling your employer account

Steve Brindza mspl.librarydirector at gmail.com
Fri May 6 12:40:40 EDT 2022

Hi, All,


My employer status today was disabled on Indeed.com upon being "deemed not
consistent with Indeed's quality standards."  Has this happened to any of


Site reviews state that this disabling occurs less often for paying
subscribers (we don't pay), but disabling also serves as a way for Indeed to
check that you are a legitimate employer.  I have not yet received a
response from my one-click appeal, nor to my comments regarding our
long-filled, Board-approved job description.


Do job postings there need to specify EOE text?


Steve Brindza, Director

Mt. Sterling Public Library

60 West Columbus St.

Mt. Sterling, Ohio 43143

(740) 869-2430, ext. 202

mspl.librarydirector at gmail.com


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