[SEO-Members] Magazine call numbers reminder

mwyscarver at library.ohio.gov mwyscarver at library.ohio.gov
Wed Feb 8 11:59:48 EST 2023

Hello everyone,

Please refer to the 2023 Magazine Call Number Guidelines document when inputting your magazine call numbers.  This image below is only a sampling of the items added recently with the call numbers using an incorrect format.

Weekly magazines should use the year/mo/da format in the call number field. Example: 2023/01/16
The call number will display as MAG|z2023/01/16 in the call number field in the item record. The MAG|z is added automatically by the system based on the information in the control record.

Monthly magazines should use the year/mo format.
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D93BB4.D6279290] Incorrect call number format

If you would like to view your magazine items recently added, you can use Item Group Editor.

  *   Login in to your WorkFlows Tech account.
  *   Open the Item Group Editor wizard.
  *   Limit the search to your library.
  *   Use the Date created field to enter a date range. In the example below, I chose to look at items added after a certain date.
  *   Enter the Home Location of MAGAZINE.
  *   Click Search.

[cid:image005.png at 01D93BB2.AD0CE060]

Peruse your call numbers. Are they in the correct format? If not, please go the item record and edit the call number.

In Item Group Editor, the call number column will not display the |z but you should see MAG at the beginning of the call number. If its not there, you may want to edit your Serial Control Record for that title. In the Control Record, the Base Call Number should be MAG.

If you have any questions, please visit our support site to view the Serials documentation or submit a customer support ticket.  https://support.servingeveryohioan.org/support/home We will gladly answer any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

[cid:image001.png at 01D93BB0.2FD1ECF0]
Misty Wyscarver
Learning & Development Coordinator

State Library of Ohio
SEO Service Center
40780 Marietta Rd.
P.O. Box 185
Caldwell, OH 43724

Phone: 1-877-552-4262
Email: mwyscarver at library.ohio.gov<mailto:mwyscarver at library.ohio.gov>


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