[SEO-Members] Binge Box: Please Give Leo A Break

Paula Byers paulab at preblelibrary.org
Mon Jan 9 11:12:37 EST 2023

Hi everyone,
In 2021 we purchased 2 copies of Please Give Leo A Break from Midwest Tape which consists of four different movies: The Revenant, Shutter Island, Gatsby and Titantic. On the cover of the case, it states that the movie Titantic consists of two discs which means there should have been 2 discs in the case for Titantic but there is only one (sadly, we are just now noticing this 😉). The disc in the case says that it is Part One which also indicates there should have been 2 discs for Titantic. However, the catalog entry says this binge box consists of 4 discs. I’m just wondering if everyone who ordered this Binge Box only received part one of Titantic and never noticed.


Paula Byers
Collection Development Librarian
Preble County District Library
<http://preblelibrary.org/>450 S Barron St, Eaton, OH 45320
P: (937) 456-2233 | F: (937) 456-6092
paulab at preblelibrary.org<mailto:paulab at preblelibrary.org>

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