[SEO-Members] Museum Passes

Canal Fulton Library Info info at canalfultonlibrary.org
Sat Jul 1 10:06:50 EDT 2023

Good morning,

     The Canal Fulton Public Library started offering Akron Zoo passes and
McKinley Museum passes this year.  This link will take you to the
information about the zoo pass (and the McKinley pass is pretty similar):

     Information about the passes are available to patrons from our website
(under "My Account" on the menu bar).  I'm not overly familiar with how
popular these have been (our Circulation Dept. would know better than me)
but the zoo passes were apparently popular enough when we started them in
February of this year that our Friends of the Library bought us the
McKinley passes last month.  I don't know all the details but if you still
have any specific questions I'm certainly happy to put you in touch with
our Circulation Department.

On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 4:06 PM Keri Black via SEO-Members <
seo-members at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> I would be interested in responses to this as well, as we are looking into
> doing the same with Zoo passes.
> On 06/29/2023 3:44 PM EDT Tabitha Sullivan via SEO-Members <
> seo-members at lists.oplin.org> wrote:
>  Does anyone offer museum passes that patrons may check out? We are
> looking at providing this as a potential service to our patrons.
> Looking for some insight such as do you have the passes cataloged into
> workflows or do you use a software program?  If using a software program
> how does that work in regards to having the passes checked out to your
> patrons or do you need to use a spreadsheet system?  How popular are the
> museum passes with your patrons?  Have you had issues with patrons
> returning them on time if you use a physical museum pass?
> Any other insight or information that you would like to share would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thank you !
> --
>  Tabitha Sullivan
> Circulation Services Manager
> Defiance Public Library
> 320 Fort St
> Defiance OH
> 419-782-1456  ext. 1201
> -- SEO-Members mailing list SEO-Members at lists.oplin.org
> https://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/seo-members
> *Keri Black, MA*
> Library Director
> (419) 335-6626
> kblack at seolibraries.org
> --
> SEO-Members mailing list
> SEO-Members at lists.oplin.org
> https://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/seo-members
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