[SEO-Members] video games

Yvette Blandford yvette.blandford at louisvillelibrary.org
Wed Jun 14 14:36:39 EDT 2023

Hi Kayleen

  I would love the Wii Spongebob, Shrek, Petz Horses 2, and  Donkey Kong.


*Yvette Blandford*

Acquisitions Manager, Louisville Public Library
330-875-1696 | yvette.blandford at louisvillelibrary.org
700 Lincoln Ave
Louisville, OH 44641
Serve. Connect. Inspire.

On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 2:21 PM Kayleen Veit via SEO-Members <
seo-members at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> Findlay has around 30 games that were donated to us.  They are up for
> grabs!  (see attached list)   Let us know which titles you would like!
> Thank you!
> --
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