[SEO-Members] Book Club

Sarah Jacovetty sstefanovski at stclibrary.org
Thu Mar 9 11:42:08 EST 2023

Hi all,

We recently had a book club discussion and virtual visit with Author Kinley Bryan.  She was one of many authors that participated in the Buckeye Book Fair with her title Sisters of the Sweetwater Fury. The group really enjoyed the opportunity to chat with her and ask questions pertaining to the book.  It was a very successful program!  Since there were not many copies in the system, we decided to go ahead and purchase a number of copies in order to make this book club happen.  

We have 25 copies we are offering to anyone interested in this title for your book club! 
**If no one is interested in a book club, we will be happy to send them out individually to libraries for collections!

With Regards,

Sarah Jacovetty, Assistant Director
St. Clairsville Public Library

108 W Main St.
St. Clairsville, OH 43950
740-695-2062 ext. 620

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