[SEO-Members] free train DVDs

Beth Lambright BLambright at seolibraries.org
Wed Mar 29 10:08:45 EDT 2023

The New London Public Library has been given a donation of over 200 
train DVDs. These are all about real life size trains. The library has 
cataloged some and we have been given donations for a few but we don't 
have room for all of them in our library. I am offering them to other 
libraries for your shelves or maybe you have a train group close-by that 
would give your library a donation for some. Maybe you have friends who 
like trains who would want some. I will list some every couple of days 
to send to the first libraries who ask for them. Pick and choose or take 

Beth Lambright

New London Public Library

This is list #1

Working on the Santa Fe

Working on the Union Pacific

Conrail Hot spots East

Pacific Electric and Los Angeles Streetcars

Take a Ride on the North Shore Line

Chicago Traction Combo

Pittsburgh Mainlines

Pittsburgh Line Blues

Pentrex DVD Previews #1

Working on the Southern Pacific

Trains Along the Upper Mississippi #1

Northeast Sampler

Today's Illinois Central #1 - North

Along the Pocahontas District

CSX Mountain Sub

Into the Allegheny Range #1

Into the Allegheny Range #2

Into the Allegheny Range #3

Into the Allegheny Range #4

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