[SEO-Members] Free

Penny Neubauer pneubauer at acdl.info
Mon Nov 6 12:24:04 EST 2023

We'll take them!

Penny Neubauer


Ashtabula County District Library System | 440-990-2322

Gather | Read | Discover | Transform

<https://www.instagram.com/acdlibraries/> <http://www.acdl.info/>

On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 12:22 PM Jane Schaffner via SEO-Members <
seo-members at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> 4 free archival acid free boxes to anyone on Priority.
> Jane Schaffner, Director
> McComb Public Library
> 113 S. Todd St.
> McComb, OH 45858
> 419-293-2425
> --
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> SEO-Members at lists.oplin.org
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