[SEO-Members] Fwd: Mailers, Bubble Wrap, Small/big bags

Scottie Miller scottie at mywcpl.org
Mon Apr 22 09:40:16 EDT 2024

Hello everyone,

We have an overabundance of packing materials.

These are the big canvas bags full of zipper bags, bubble wrap, mailers,
big canvas bags, small canvas bags.

So far this is our count of what I could see of what we have.

Zipper bags - 2
mailers- 12
Bubble Wrap- 4
Small canvas bags - 16
Big canvas bags - 14

Thank you,

Scottie Miller (she/her)

Bryan Main Manager

Williams County Public Library

PH 833-633-7323 Ext. 222

scottie at mywcpl.org
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