[SEO-Members] solar eclipse glasses

Scottie Miller scottie at mywcpl.org
Tue Feb 27 10:27:37 EST 2024


We had some luck with Amazon, SolarEclipseGlasses. but unfortunately most
places are on backorder.  We were very lucky to get the amount that we did
at that time.

Thank you,

Scottie Miller (she/her)

Bryan Main Manager

Williams County Public Library

PH 833-633-7323 Ext. 222

scottie at mywcpl.org

On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 8:56 AM Beth Wright via SEO-Members <
seo-members at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> Any libraries passing out solar eclipse glasses to their patrons?
> If so where did you get them                    Thank you
> --
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