[SEO-Members] Offering to any library: Final updated list of Adult Fiction and Adult Non-Fiction audio-books on cd
Katie Buttrey
kbuttrey at ashland.lib.oh.us
Wed Nov 20 10:30:00 EST 2024
If you would like any of the audio books on cd, please reply to kbuttrey at ashland.lib.oh.us with the author's name and book titles and I will ship them out the following day via priority. Please make sure to include the persons name that I should make it Attn: to and your 3 letter shipment code.
Due to the amount of audio-books we have available, if you need time to work through the list please let me know so I don't discard them thinking no one is interested.
This will be the last updated list that I will send out.
Thank you to all of the libraries that have responded so far, it's been wonderful being able to pass on some of our collection to new patrons!
[https://res.public.onecdn.static.microsoft/assets/mail/file-icon/png/xlsx_16x16.png]AUDIO BOOKS-FICTION.xlsx<https://aploh-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/sphillips_ashland_lib_oh_us/EUNL3T6V_CVElFUbd32VguQBpVg3UwMWke8qL_wyBbXEKg?e=ZGHpJM>
[https://res.public.onecdn.static.microsoft/assets/mail/file-icon/png/xlsx_16x16.png]AUDIO BOOKS-NON FICTION.xlsx<https://aploh-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/sphillips_ashland_lib_oh_us/EbvQxZPERAVIriLrexEvs0MBowM3236HZkAlnyJDc9sayQ?e=hwW0af>
Katie Buttrey
Ashland Public Library
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