[OPLINLIST] Request for Proposals

Jane Byrnes JBYRNES@SLOMA.state.oh.us
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 13:14:28 -0500

Request for Proposals
Paraphrased from the Ohio Department of Education
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction) recently posted a Request For
Proposals (RFP) for "Contractor: Science Researcher".  In essence, the
Science Researcher would identify practices that have been tested and shown
to be related to effective instruction in the sciences, pre-kindergarten
through grade 12. The information gathered through this work will be housed
in the Research, Resources, and Tools section of the online ODE
Instructional Management System (which will also house the model science
curricula). Some additional details include:
*	This is a reposting of the RFP.
*	The RFP may be responded to by individuals or organizations
*	The Not-to-Exceed Fixed Price for the project is $20,200. Proposal
exceeding that amount will be disqualified.
*	All proposals must be received by December 10, 2003, at 11 A.M. EST.

*	Notification of award will be made by phone or email no later than
December 15, 2003. There will be no notification of unsuccessful applicants.
*	The RFP can be accessed via the ODE webpage
(http://www.ode.state.oh.us/ <http://www.ode.state.oh.us/> ) oSelect Vendor
from the pull-down Visitor menu oSelect RFP: Science Researcher from the
Vendor webpage.

Joe Faber
Office of Curriculum and Instruction
Ohio Department of Education
25 S. Front St.
Mail Stop 509
Columbus, Ohio 43215

Phone: 614/387-2218
FAX: 614/995-5568