[DPLAgroup] Ohio DPLA Updates

Angela Oneal aoneal at columbuslibrary.org
Thu Jul 30 15:41:28 EDT 2015

Thank you for engaging so much around the DPLA in Ohio project! There have been some excellent conversations and we are off to a great start. Here are some updates:

July 22nd Meeting
The Steering Committee met on July 22nd to kick-off the DPLA planning project. Notes from the meeting are attached. If anyone has any questions, additions, or clarifications, please let me know.

Working Groups
Draft charges for the Working Groups are also attached. These have been added to the website as well. Liaisons will be talking with the co-chairs of the Working Groups over the next couple of weeks to refine the charges.

Save the Date.
The date for the symposium is Monday, November 16th, 2015 at the State Library of Ohio. Guest speakers will be Emily Gore from DPLA and Kerri Willette from New York. More details to come.

Next Steering Committee Meeting
Please respond to this Doodle poll by Wednesday, August 5th regarding the next Steering Committee: http://doodle.com/w2xg7uafxnrmnz63  There is only one date (Sep. 18th) because we have the opportunity to bring in Emily Gore from DPLA to work with the Steering Committee before the symposium. If this works for enough people, it would be a great opportunity to get some face time with Emily.

Thanks again for your dedication to this project!


Angela O'Neal │ Manager
Columbus Metropolitan Library │ Local History & Genealogy
4371 E. Broad St. │ Columbus, OH 43213

614.849.1243 office │ 614.314.7890 cell
aoneal at columbuslibrary.org<mailto:aoneal at columbuslibrary.org>
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Be a Hero. Read. Summer Reading Club<http://www.columbuslibrary.org/summerreadingclub?utm_source=email&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=summerreadingclub> - May 30 through Aug. 1

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