[OPLINLIST] Minors and email notification question
Karen Mateer
Wed, 23 Jun 2004 13:30:48 -0400
A question came up about minors and automatic email notification of: holds,
overdues, etc.
It has been noted that entire families may have the same email address
(father, mother, son, daughter) or only one account that the entire family
What are your policies on email notification to minors?
Are there privacy issues?
Some of the points we've discussed:
During phone calls, we do not use the title of item requested, no matter
who/what we are speaking to, but an automated email does.
Patrons provide us with the email information, so should we be concerned
with who sees/has access to it?
I would greatly appreciate any input!
Karen Mateer
Assistant Director
Kinsman Free Public Library