[OPLINLIST] An invitation from O.L.S.S.I.

Doug Morrison morrison.244@osu.edu
Thu, 09 Sep 2004 11:32:44 -0400

Good Morning,

The Ohio Library Support Staff Institute is completing work on it's third 
highly successful
annual event.  On September 17th, 2004 it will be holding the next Steering 
meeting where our new officers will take office and our steering committee 
will be in transition
from closing our 2004 Institute work to beginning preparations and efforts 
to creating a
new and vibrant version for our Ohio Library Support Staff Institute event 
for 2005.

The Institute has benefited from the past support and aid of Bowling Green 
State University,
the Regional Library Consortia, such as OVAL, vendors of library products 
and supplies,
the State Library of Ohio, the Ohio Council of Library and Information 
Services (OCLIS),
library organizations linked to Academic (ALAO), Special (The State 
Chapters of SLA) and
(ASIST), School Library/Media Centers (OELMA), and various groups linked to 
Ohio's Public
Library community.  Now we are grateful for new collaborations with such 
organizations as the Ohio College Association.

The input and cooperation we receive from our colleagues in Ohio is 
invaluable and we recognize
it as one of our greatest assets and strengths.  In this spirit we are 
calling for volunteers from
Ohio's Public Library community that would be willing to help with the 
planning and creation of
programming and offerings to enhance O.L.S.S.I.'s efforts for our fourth 
annual event to be
unveiled in 2005.  If you would like to join this effort and work with a 
great bunch of colleagues
from around the state, please join us and become one of O.L.S.S.I.'s new 
Steering Committee
members when we meet at the State Library of Ohio on September 17th 2004 
from 10:30 a.m. -
2:30 p.m.  We would like to extend this offer to any administrator, 
librarian, or library support
staff member who may be interested in joining our group.

Feel free to contact me or any other O.L.S.S.I. Steering Committee member 
about this upcoming
meeting.  You will find a list of current committee members and their email 
addresses at the
O.L.S.S.I. website:


under the heading on the left side of the web page labeled "Active 
Committee Members".


Douglas Morrison

Douglas Morrison
Reference/Serials Librarian
Ohio State ATI Library
1328 Dover Road
Wooster, OH. 44691-8905
phone - 330-287-1291
fax - 330-262-7634
email - morrison.244@osu.edu
O.L.S.S.I. Website: http://www.olssi.lib.oh.us/

You have to watch out for yourself, because nobody else is going to. 
Especially during dodgeball.

On the sixth day, God created the platypus. And God said: let's see the 
evolutionists try and figure this one out.