[OPLINLIST] Two NEW workshop topics at Kent State

Rhonda Filipan rfilipan at slis.kent.edu
Mon Jul 17 12:26:00 EDT 2006


*Cataloging Non-Print and AV Children's Materials Update *
This workshop will focus on cataloging children's educational AV, 
non-print (realia, manipulatives, puppets) and assistive technology 
resources. Emphasis will be on cataloging for the K-12 setting or a 
children's library. Participants will gain knowledge of descriptive 
cataloging for educational and children's materials and resources to 
assist them in increasing access to these materials through application 
of cataloging principles

August 4-5
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Kent State University
311 Library (Reinberger Children's Library Center)

*Instructor? *
Dr. Meghan Harper
Assistant Professor
Kent State University--SLIS

*Call # * 15698

Planning for Building and Renovating Public Library Spaces: If You Want 
to Build It… How to Plan So They Will Come *
Students will learn the basics of planning for building library space 
and will examine how to evaluate existing space, determine future needs, 
and plan for furnishings and equipment. The next step will be to create 
a “program” for the architects of a library building based on the 
evaluation of the library's future needs. Students will achieve an 
awareness of how to involve staff, the public, and the marketing 
department to create a successful project. Finally, students will also 
explore planning for any move(s) related to their project.

August 11-12
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Kent State University
317 Library

*Instructor? *
Judy Campbell
General Manager of Branches and Mobile Services
Akron-Summit County Public Library

*Call # * 15568

*Price: *
$387 for each workshop

*To Register:*
KSU Students: Use Web for Students (wfs.kent.edu) and enter the call #
Non-Students: Call 1-800-672-KSU2

Rhonda S. Filipan, M.A., M.L.S.
Academic Program Coordinator
Kent State University
School of Library and Information Science
P.O. Box 5190
Library 314
Kent, OH  44242-0001
330-672-0013  (phone)
330-672-7965  (fax)

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