[OPLINLIST] Legal Forms 2007 Renewal Pricing Announcement

Christine Morris ChristineM at ohionet.org
Wed Apr 25 14:17:54 EDT 2007

Several libraries have inquired about the Legal Forms renewal quotes
that were sent as part of the 2007 Database Renewal Form.  Some have
indicated that they did not think they had a current subscription;
others have indicated that their subscription was on a cycle other than
July 1-June 30, and they wondered how the renewal would affect their
current subscription.


In working with the folks at Gale to investigate those questions, it was
discovered that the pricing information sent to OHIONET was incorrect.
Since there was not an OPLIN group last year for Legal Forms, there is
not group renewal pricing available this year.  Please disregard that
line on your renewal form.


If your library would like to subscribe to Legal Forms for 2007-2008,
you may contact OHIONET to get a quote with a discount off list pricing.
Libraries that currently subscribe to Legal Forms are not eligible for
that discount pricing at this time.


I apologize for the misunderstanding and any inconvenience it may have
caused you and your library.




Christine Morris

OHIONET Member Services Representative

1500 West Lane Avenue

Columbus, OH  43221-3975

800-686-8975, ext. 29
614-486-2966, ext. 29
Fax: (614) 486-1527

christinem at ohionet.org



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