[OPLINLIST] Director Position

Eileen Holloway ehollowa at twinsburg.lib.oh.us
Thu Nov 1 16:37:00 EDT 2007

The Twinsburg Public Library, a leading library in the nation according 
to the HAPLR Index, is looking for a dynamic library director to enhance 
its successful tradition of high level services responsive to a diverse 
patron community.

The successful candidate will demonstrate the following:

    * The vision to lead the library to the next level
    * The knowledge to keep the library on the cutting edge of technology
    * The skills to develop a positive, professional working
      relationship with the staff
    * The ability to work successfully with key city and school
      officials and local businesses
    * The ability to work collaboratively with the board of trustees and
      with community groups
    * A willingness to be an active participant in local and state
      library organizations

The Twinsburg Public Library serves residents living in the Twinsburg 
City School District and numerous surrounding communities. The system 
has approximately 50 employees, half of which are part time, and an 
operating budget exceeding $2,000,000. In FY 2006 over 1 million items 
were circulated. An active Friends of the Library group supports the 
library financially and by sponsoring many programs. A foundation has 
been established to assist with raising funds for the library.

The director reports to a 7-member board of trustees appointed by the 
Twinsburg City School Board. The majority of the library’s funds (57%) 
comes from the state LLGSF, with local property tax accounting for 39% 
of the budget and miscellaneous sources accounting for the other 4%.

The board of trustees is prepared to offer a competitive compensation 
package. Minimum requirements include an MLS and at least six years 
public library experience, at least three years of which shall have been 
in an administrative capacity.

The position remains open until it is filled. Applicants will be 
screened beginning January 10, 2008. Send resume and letter of interest 
to Bonny Cairns, Board President, Twinsburg Public Library, 10050 
Ravenna Rd., Twinsburg, OH 44087.

Email: bcairns at twinsburglibrary.org

Eileen Holloway
Twinsburg Public Library
10050 Ravenna Road
Twinsburg, OH 44087-1719
330 425-4268 X118

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