[OPLINLIST] FW: [alacoun] FW: Help the federal government identify online digital literacy resources

Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela phs at akronlibrary.org
Thu Feb 3 13:30:25 EST 2011

A request from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the U.S.
Departments of Commerce and Education...


Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to the American
Library Association

Deputy Director

Akron-Summit County Public Library

60 S. High Street

Akron, OH  44326


Phone 330.643.9102          Fax 330.643.9160


phs at akronlibrary.org         www.akronlibrary.org


Recognized, again, as one of America's Best Libraries <<<<<


The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning
and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all
ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community




The Digital Literacy Working Group is an interagency body established to
advise the Obama Administration on actions it might consider to promote
broadband as a platform to improve the lives of everyday Americans.  As
the digital and online world becomes more robust, global, and
interactive, a compelling need is growing to advance the digital
literacy of all our nation's citizens.  As young students are developing
their knowledge and sense of the world, they must also develop their
voice in the online world.  As adults are entering into and sustaining
the workforce, the ability to create, innovate, communicate with, and
leverage digital resources is paramount to our long term economic

Digital literacy practitioners in the field have identified the need for
a centralized location to connect to the most current resources
available, collaborate, and share best practices to support
opportunities for all Americans to build digital literacy skills.  The
Digital Literacy Working Group aims to produce a digital literacy web
portal that is the "go-to" place for a variety of practitioners to
connect to the most current resources on digital literacy.

Your support is critical to the success of this effort.  We would like
to identify digital literacy resources developed by organizations across
the country to make them available to everyone in an organized manner.
The success of this effort depends on the quality of the content.  If
you have a resource, image, video, or tool that might be helpful for
this portal and would like to be featured on the website, you may email
the name of the resource, the URL where the resource is located, and a
brief description of the resource to DigitalLiteracy at bah.com
<mailto:DigitalLiteracy at bah.com> .  We also ask that you identify the
subject area that the digital literacy resource addresses, where
applicable (educator, finance, health), and gauge the skill level (e.g.,
beginner, intermediate, or advanced) you believe is required to
successfully access and use the resource provided.  

Our goal is to provide access to free, high-quality, widely used, and
available programs, resources, training, and curricula inside and
outside of the Federal Government.  We expect the content to follow the
convention of appropriateness.  Therefore, we will not include links

*         Contain vulgar language, personal attacks of any kind, or
offensive terms that target specific ethnic or racial groups

*         Promote services or products (non-commercial links that are
relevant to digital literacy are acceptable)

*         Are off-topic

*         Are political endorsements

*         Make unsupported accusations or

*         Solicit financial contributions.

Please ensure your content contains none of the above and adheres to the
Digital Literacy Website Policy.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request, and we look
forward to working with you as we develop the site.

We know that libraries can help with this!

Best regards,

Anthony Wilhelm, Director, Broadband Technology Opportunities Program,
U.S. Department of Commerce

Karen Cator, Director, Office of Educational Technology, U.S. Department
of Education

Co-chairs, Digital Literacy Working Group

Kevin Cherry, IMLS, member of the Digital Literacy Working Group

Mission of the Digital Literacy Working Group

The Digital Literacy Working Group was tasked to develop a strategy and
implementation of a digital literacy platform, including a federal
digital literacy website.  The website is an inclusive initiative that
will aggregate resources culled from participating agencies' and
departments' own inventory of available literacy resources as well as
key non-Federal resources.  The purpose of this effort is to create the
"go-to" place where a variety of practitioners can connect to the most
current resources available on digital literacy.


See the attached for information regarding the Digital Literacy Website
Content and Comment Policy. . . 



Kevin Cherry  MSLS, PhD

Senior Program Officer

Office of Library Services

Institute of Museum and Library Services

1800 M. Street, NW   9th Floor

Washington, DC 20036-5802

Phone:  (202) 653-4662

Fax:  (202) 653-4602




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