[OPLINLIST] fake news resources

Holli Rainwater via OPLINLIST oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
Mon Mar 20 16:40:20 EDT 2017

Wow!  You've put in a lot of work.  Thanks for sharing!​

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 10:46 AM, Marisha Sullivan <msullivan at acdl.info>

> The News Literacy Project is actually also on my reading list. I've looked
> at their "Checkology" platform, which provides a lot of information, but it
> is designed to be used over a long term and I have 45 minutes. I do intend
> on using some of their videos and concepts in the classroom. Their methods
> and core concepts are extremely similar to those presented by the SPLC.
> However, I think that neither presents a model which is feasible for
> libraries, meaning that we need to synthesize our own lessons. I also want
> to examine my own ideas about library neutrality and bias in our
> profession, so I'm looking into that from multiple sources as well. Here's
> what I have so far:
> http://www.tolerance.org/magazine/number-52-spring-
> 2016/feature/shifting-out-neutral (for my own self-examinations)
> http://www.randomhouse.com/highschool/RHI_magazine/
> active_citizens/freyfisher2.html (this was recommended to me, needs to be
> researched)
> http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/12/health/social-media-brain/ (this is an
> article on a study. The study is pay-walled, but it's a good read if you
> can get it)
> http://www.npr.org/2016/04/15/474348291/why-teens-are-
> impulsive-addiction-prone-and-should-protect-their-brains (regarding
> social media the feedback loop of confirmation bias)
> http://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11174 (and the IFLA site in general)
> https://kf-site-production.s3.amazonaws.com/publications/
> pdfs/000/000/230/original/Youth_News.pdf (How young people navigate the
> news and information landscape)
> https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_
> believing_that_you_can_improve (I honestly don't remember why this is on
> my reading list)
> Michael Patrick Lynch (philosopher who takes on a lot of information,
> political science, and internet topics)
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/teaching-in-the-post-truth-era_us_
> 58597f2de4b0630a2542361b (this isn't super valid as a source, but the
> author brought up some great thinking points and it's a great way to start
> thinking about news and media literacy)
> http://www.tolerance.org/blog/learning-how-know-2017 (This is what
> started me on this whole thing)
> List of topics to cover in the module:
>    - bias
>    - connection to systems of power/privilege
>    - whose voice is missing from the narrative?
>    - raw v processed information
> Marisha Sullivan
> Teen Librarian
> Ashtabula County District Library
> 440-997-9341 <(440)%20997-9341>
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Holli Rainwater <
> hrainwater at coshoctonlibrary.org> wrote:
>> Marisha and all,
>> Have you seen the News Literacy Project?  It might save you some work.  I
>> would be interested in your opinion of it compared to what you have found
>> from SPLC . . .
>> From their Mission Statement:  *The News Literacy Project (NLP) is a
>> nonpartisan national education nonprofit that works with educators and
>> journalists to teach middle school and high school students how to sort
>> fact from fiction in the digital age. NLP provides these students with the
>> essential skills they need to become smart, active consumers of news and
>> information and engaged, informed citizens.*
>> http://www.thenewsliteracyproject.org/​
>> On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Judy Lasco via OPLINLIST <
>> oplinlist at lists.oplin.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Marisha,
>>> I would love to see your reading list, and any other information you
>>> have to share
>>> Judy Lasco
>>> On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 10:21 AM, Marisha Sullivan via OPLINLIST <
>>> oplinlist at lists.oplin.org> wrote:
>>>> I'm currently working on a classroom outreach module using resources
>>>> from the Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance website, studies
>>>> on how young people interact with social media, how they define news, and
>>>> further study into developmental and social psychology. I am still in the
>>>> research phase, but I would be glad to share what I have found and my
>>>> reading list with anyone who is also working on this.
>>>> Marisha Sullivan
>>>> Teen Librarian
>>>> Ashtabula County District Library
>>>> 440-997-9341 <(440)%20997-9341>
>>>> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 3:54 PM, Holli Rainwater via OPLINLIST <
>>>> oplinlist at lists.oplin.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Heidi,
>>>>> ​We haven't done a program, but we made copies of IFLA's infographic
>>>>> and put them out for patrons to pick up:
>>>>> https://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11174.  I also wrote an
>>>>> article for our weekly community newspaper, expanding on the infographic.
>>>>> I would be interested to hear about what other libraries are doing.  Let me
>>>>> know if you come up with a program.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Holli Rainwater
>>>>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:04 PM, Eric Taggart via OPLINLIST <
>>>>> oplinlist at lists.oplin.org> wrote:
>>>>>> We had scheduled Kellyanne Conway to give this presentation, but she
>>>>>> cancelled when she found out that our meeting room kitchen had a microwave.
>>>>>> On Mar 16, 2017 2:50 PM, "Heidi Sutter via OPLINLIST" <
>>>>>> oplinlist at lists.oplin.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Has anyone done an "Identifying fake news" program?  Did you have
>>>>>>> someone come in or do the research and presentation yourself.  What
>>>>>>> resources are available?
>>>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>>>> *Heidi Sutter*
>>>>>>> Director
>>>>>>> Norwalk Public Library
>>>>>>> -Do not go where the path may lead, Go, instead where there is no
>>>>>>> path and leave a trail!
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>>>>> --
>>>>> *Holli Rainwater*
>>>>> Outreach Coordinator
>>>>> *Coshocton Public Library*
>>>>> www.coshoctonlibrary.org
>>>>> 655 Main Street
>>>>> Coshocton, OH  43812
>>>>> 740-622-0956 <(740)%20622-0956>
>>>>> “A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party,
>>>>> a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.”
>>>>> ― Charles Baudelaire
>>>>> <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13847.Charles_Baudelaire>
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>>>> http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/oplinlist
>>>> http://aboutbooks.info -- Search for author, title, subject...
>>>> anything about books.
>>> --
>>> Judy Lasco
>>> Head of Youth Services/Asst.Manager
>>> Geauga County Public Library
>>> Chardon Branch
>>> 110 East Park St.
>>> Chardon, OH  44024
>>> 440-285-7601 ext.2551 <(440)%20285-7601>
>>> FAX 440-285-3808 <(440)%20285-3808>
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>>> http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/oplinlist
>>> http://aboutbooks.info -- Search for author, title, subject... anything
>>> about books.
>> --
>> *Holli Rainwater*
>> Outreach Coordinator
>> *Coshocton Public Library*
>> www.coshoctonlibrary.org
>> 655 Main Street
>> Coshocton, OH  43812
>> 740-622-0956 <(740)%20622-0956>
>> “A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party,
>> a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.”
>> ― Charles Baudelaire
>> <http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13847.Charles_Baudelaire>


*Holli Rainwater*
Outreach Coordinator
*Coshocton Public Library*
655 Main Street
Coshocton, OH  43812

“A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party,
a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.”
― Charles Baudelaire
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