[OPLINTECH] Remote Control Software

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Thu Apr 13 16:14:35 EDT 2023

We use several, depending on the circumstance:
On Windows Servers, we use the native RDP protocol (Remote Desktop).
On Windows workstations, we use the ubiquitous VNC protocol (TightVNC,
which is FOSS. But there are tons of implementations, many of which are
commercial products if you insist on spending money.)
On linux servers, we use SSH, of course.
On our linux-based virtual machine host servers, we use the SPICE protocol
for remote console access to each virtual machine.

There are really only a couple of specific workstations that we ever use
when remotely connecting to a computer/server. These workstations are
running linux and we use Remmina, which is a nicely integrated front-end
for VNC, SSH, RDP, SPICE, and other protocols. All of our remote sessions,
regardless of whether or not the protocol itself is encrypted, flow through
a VPN over the public internet. But when we're physically on-site at a
library and remotely connecting to a computer/server (even when we're
sitting 2 feet from it...which happens often!), we don't need the VPN and
just rely on whatever security features the protocol itself provides since
we're in a well-controlled network. The VNC protocol, for instance, isn't
encrypted natively. It can be encapsulated and tunneled over an SSH
session, but we don't bother with that locally (very low exposure risk.)

On a very rare occasion, we've installed the likes of TeamViewer or
similar, but only at request when a 3rd party company needs remote access
to a computer running software they support. We just install whatever
software they're most comfortable with.

With regard to likes/dislikes -- We're just using protocols, really....RDP,
VNC, SSH, SPICE and whatever server-side software is best suited to
implement the protocol. There are at a minimum dozens of programs that
implement any given protocol. RDP is built into Windows, so as a server,
that's a no-brainer; we just enable it. For VNC, we install TightVNC on
Windows workstations as the VNC server because it's tidy/simple/small
footprint/password protected/free/very stable/efficient. On linux, SSH is
ubiquitous; it's just what you use. For access to our virtual machines, we
use qemu/kvm/libvirt and SPICE protocol is baked in. It works well. We
could choose to use VNC too, but I just wanted to learn about SPICE. As I
mentioned before, as far as the client software we interact with, I really
like using Remmina on our desktops. It integrates all of the various
protocols we use into a single comfortable experience, so it doesn't matter
what protocol I'm using. It all is presented to me in a way that I like in
tabbed sessions, which is my personal preference...and the option to pop a
tab open into its own window at my whim.

The remote control protocols themselves don't implement scripting really.
We use whatever is native to the platform for that. Often simple bash
scripting on linux. PowerShell on Windows, also still some old batch (.BAT)

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

*Full IT/Computer consulting services -- Specialized in public libraries*

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 1:20 PM Hamman, Jeremy via OPLINTECH <
oplintech at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> I just wanted to poll to see what remote control software you use to
> remote into your public and staff computers and what do you like and not
> like about it. Do you use it for anything more than remote control (e.g.
> scripting, updates, etc.)?  Thanks.
> *Jeremy Hamman*
> Systems Manager
> Greene County Public Library
> 76 E Market St
> Xenia, OH 45385
> (937) 736-7066
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