[oplinwebkits] Please no work on your Webkit this afternoon.

Karl Jendretzky karl at oplin.ohio.gov
Thu Sep 24 12:53:26 EDT 2015

Please refrain from making any changes to your website until tomorrow


You might have noticed that the server at which hosts
Webkits went down around 12:15pm today, but is back up now running data
that's a few days old.

On August 11th this server had a fan die causing an outage. During the
repair the server was acting a bit odd so as a safety net I built a 2nd
server to take over in case this one had additional issues. When the main
one went down around 12:15, I swung the backup server into production,
bringing the sites back up. This backup server has data that is a few days
behind, so tonight around 10pm I'll be downing the sites again for about 15
minutes while I load data in from this morning.

If you make changes today, they'll be overwritten tonight, so please no
changes until tomorrow morning.

Karl Jendretzky
IT Manager - Ohio Public Library Information Network
(614) 728-1515karl at oplin.ohio.gov
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