[SEO-Members] question about "lost in transit" claims being denied

Niccole Sears niccoles.perrycooklibrary at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 11:42:26 EST 2023

So, since we've been back with Priority, Perry Cook Memorial has filed 3
claims for items "lost in transit."

Before filing claims, we wait about 45 days to see if they arrive at their
destination, we check our shelves and shipping area to make sure the item
isn't here somewhere, and we contact the library we were sending it to to
make sure it isn't mistakenly on their shelf/shipping area.

All of our lost claims have been denied with the reason "unable to
appreciate the physical receipt of said claim item to determine
responsibility."  Which to me says, lost in transit because there is no
physical receipt. I think they are saying we can't prove we put it into
transit so they don't have to be responsible.

However, aside from Workflows noting the date and time that I print the
transit receipt and neither library on the ends of the shipping chain
having said item, what else can we do? Are libraries who lose books and
patrons who lose books the only ones who will ever pay for lost books?
Priority denies the claims, so they will never have to pay for items lost
in transit? That hardly seems fair.

Is anyone else getting their lost in transit claims paid? (Damage claims
are different. I am asking only about "lost".)

Niccole Sears
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