[OPLINLIST] Payphone issues

gretchen.persohn at odrc.state.oh.us gretchen.persohn at odrc.state.oh.us
Wed Dec 9 15:17:14 EST 2015

It has been quite a while ago, but the public library I worked for had its payphone removed because it wasn’t generating enough revenue for the phone company to keep it. One staff member said “Oh get a bar phone” and then explained that many bars have a phone that you put a quarter in and make a call but it’s not a pay phone. It was located at the circulation desk and it wasn’t conducive to someone making a call in order to have a long conversation. You couldn’t call it – only call out. You buy the phone and you empty it and keep the quarters. It worked out well for us.

From: oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org [mailto:oplinlist-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Jim Lack
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 2:55 PM
To: Knapp, Mandy <aknapp at library.ohio.gov>; OPLINTECH (OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org) <OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org>; 'OPLINList' (OPLINLIST at lists.oplin.org) <OPLINLIST at lists.oplin.org>
Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Payphone issues

We provide a courtesy phone in our lobby and then limit the outbound calls to just the local area codes in our area.  We disable the ability to dial 800 numbers.  The greeter then keeps an eye on how long people are on the phone.

From: oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org<mailto:oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org> [mailto:oplintech-bounces at lists.oplin.org] On Behalf Of Knapp, Mandy
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 2:25 PM
To: OPLINTECH (OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org<mailto:OPLINTECH at lists.oplin.org>); 'OPLINList' (OPLINLIST at lists.oplin.org<mailto:OPLINLIST at lists.oplin.org>)
Subject: [OPLINTECH] Payphone issues

Hello all,

I hope this day finds you well. I was contacted by a library recently with an issue that I’ve sure others of you have faced: the payphone. This particular payphone was located in a branch that serves a lot of low income patrons, many of whom cannot afford their own phone. The library is trying to decide whether or not to keep the payphone and wants to explore their options. What technology is your library using to assist patrons needed/wanting to make short voice calls?

Do you A)Let patrons use the library business phone B) Keep the payphone c) Provide a free courtesy phone C) Update to a new solution such as Skype or Google D)Provide information about the Lifeline Free Phone program<http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ls/> E)Something I haven’t thought of?

What advice would you give this library?


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Mandy Knapp
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-466-1710
Toll Free:800-686-1532 (Ohio Only)
Fax: 614-466-3584
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