[OPLINLIST] Important update on statewide delivery

Marsha McDevitt-Stredney marshams at library.ohio.gov
Wed Mar 21 17:10:30 EDT 2012

Sent on behalf of the State Library.  Please excuse multiple postings.


The State Library is continuing to work closely with Priority Dispatch
and we are providing them with all the required information to help make
the transition as seamless as possible.  Your library may be contacted
directly by representatives from Priority Dispatch as they develop their
routes and build their data about all participating locations.  We ask
that when you are contacted to please make every effort to answer their
questions and provide information in a timely manner.  The success of
this transition will require all of us working together.


Important information about the new contract:


1.      The first day of service under the new vendor, Priority
Dispatch, will be Friday, April 13.  This same day will also be U.S.
Cargo's last day to deliver materials.  To be clear, both vendors will
be visiting each location on this one day with Priority Dispatch doing
their first pickup of materials and U.S. Cargo doing their final drop
off of materials.  During the weekend of April 14th and 15th, Priority
Dispatch will visit each of U.S. Cargo's hubs and pick up any remaining
bags still undelivered.  Those bags and the ones picked up on Friday
will be delivered Monday and Tuesday, April 16th and 17th.  U.S. Cargo
should not pick up any materials when they come on Friday, the 13th.
Outgoing bags on Friday, April 13th should be picked up only by Priority


2.      Delivery windows will be established by Priority Dispatch in
communication with each library and will occur between the hours of 8:00
am and 5:00 pm on days that delivery is scheduled. It is anticipated
that the delivery windows will become smaller and consistent once the
routes have been developed and physically driven by the vendor.  It may
take a period of time before the delivery windows become established.  


3.      New shipping labels will be used.  The basic information will
remain mostly the same (address, MID numbers, etc), but the layout will
be updated and there will be a barcode with some additional information
added.  The barcodes will help the vendor to increase routing
efficiencies and provide accurate counts of packages moving through the
system.  The barcodes will not be unique to individual packages and are
not meant for individual tracking purposes.  The State Library is still
working with Priority Dispatch to develop these new labels and we will
make them available on the website as soon as possible.  The new labels
will be completed no later than April 6th so that you will have a week
to print them out and prepare for the new vendor.


4.      Unfortunately, there will be an increase in the cost.  A
two-tiered pricing model for K-12 schools and public libraries remains
and the prices are listed in the table below.  For those libraries that
have signed agreements and billing for statewide delivery with us, the
State Library will be covering the increase in cost through June 30,
2012.  We hope that this will give libraries enough time to plan and
prepare for a price increase in July, 2012.  It is important to note
that in order to get a manageable price, the statewide contract was
negotiated based on a minimum number of stops system-wide.  A percentage
reduction in the total number of stops will result in a price increase
statewide.  The strength and the value of the entire delivery system
depends on the support of every participant.


52 Week Schedule - Public Libraries

Stops per week  Total yearly cost

2         $2,673.84 

3         $4,010.76 

4         $5,347.68 

5         $6,684.60 


34 Week Schedule - K-12 Schools

Stops per week  Total yearly cost

2         $1,748.28 

3         $2,622.42 

4         $3,496.56 

5         $4,370.70


We understand that the pricing may be difficult to manage for some.  All
libraries in Ohio should take pride in their participation in this
project.  The delivery system moves millions of items around the state
annually and demonstrates our commitment to being good stewards of the
local, state, and federal resources that we receive.  It is a perfect
example of sharing and collaboration that can be used to easily
demonstrate to our stakeholders the value of libraries in Ohio.  The
State Library often uses this system as a shining example of how
libraries are ahead of the curve compared to many other organizations in
terms of collaboration to meet the needs of our patrons and customers.


If you have questions, please contact David Namiotka (Steve Updegraff is
out of the office this week).


Thank you.


David Namiotka

Associate State Librarian for Library Services

State Library of Ohio

274 East 1st Avenue

Columbus, OH  43201

Phone: 614.728.4988

dnamiotka at library.ohio.gov


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