January 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 16:42:59 EDT 2009
Ending: Fri Jan 30 19:24:06 EDT 2009
Messages: 124
- [OPLINLIST] Importing OPLIN database records into ILS
Mary Albright
- [OPLINLIST] Circulation Assistant - ODU, Columbus, Ohio
- [OPLINLIST] This Just In...From the State Library....January 30 Minute eClassrooms!
Jay Burton
- [OPLINLIST] Board Book Question
Kara Cervelli
- [OPLINLIST] Free HP4500/4550 printer supplies
Susanne Nirschl Cogar
- [OPLINLIST] Free HP4500/4550 printer supplies
Susanne Nirschl Cogar
- [OPLINLIST] Library Director position opening
Mary Anne Culbertson
- [OPLINLIST] OPLINLIST Digest, Vol 39, Issue 14
Patricia Danford
- [OPLINLIST] Abe Lincoln Presenter
Andrew Davis
- [OPLINLIST] New Director at MPL
Janet Santana - Director
- [OPLINLIST] Marantz Collection at Kent State---Grand Opening
- [OPLINLIST] Programming idea - hand drumming
Rebecca Felkner
Bobbi Galvin
Bobbi Galvin
- [OPLINLIST] Tech. Classes @ the Library
Charlie Hansen
Bill Hardison
- [OPLINLIST] Mystery Writer, JA Jance to visit Twinsburg!
Beth Hatch
- [OPLINLIST] Best Selling Mystery Author, J.A. Jance to visit Twinsburg Library! {Invalid Content Removed}
Beth Hatch
- [OPLINLIST] Tech. Classes @ the Library
Beth Hatch
- [OPLINLIST] Update on Gates broadband assessment project
Stephen Hedges
- [OPLINLIST] Summer Food Service Programs...
Stephen Hedges
- [OPLINLIST] Important E-rate information re:SOMACS T1 circuits
Stephen Hedges
- [OPLINLIST] Bookshelves for Sale!
Mike Hensel
- [OPLINLIST] adult program
Linda Hermiller
- [OPLINLIST] looking for info.
Linda Hermiller
- [OPLINLIST] news on lead issue
Hickson-Stevenson, Pamela
- [OPLINLIST] Discipline Policies for patrons
Linda Hren
- [OPLINLIST] Children's/YA Librarian Opening
Linda Hren
- [OPLINLIST] Labels
Jo Hudson
Becky Kellum
- [OPLINLIST] free tape cartridges
Joyce Klingelsmith
Joyce Klingelsmith
- [OPLINLIST] book binding/rebinding
Joe Knueven
- [OPLINLIST] FW: Important Early Literacy Information
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] NEO--Medical, Business, and Legal Reference on the Web
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] FW: Children's Book Award Announcements
Melissa Lattanzi
- [OPLINLIST] SERLS-disposed inventory available
Mary K. Leffler
- [OPLINLIST] Better Weeders Attract More Readers: Weeding With the CREW Method - Two Locations!
SWON Libraries
- [OPLINLIST] Visit With the Book Doctor: Practical Book Repair to Keep Material on the Shelf - Two Locations!
SWON Libraries
- [OPLINLIST] 2009 Ohio Summer Food Service Program
Missy Lodge
- [OPLINLIST] E-Rate Reminder--January 15 last day to file Form 470
Missy Lodge
- [OPLINLIST] National Medal For Library and Museum Services
Missy Lodge
- [OPLINLIST] OPLINLIST Digest, Vol 39, Issue 41
- [OPLINLIST] reference books free to a good home
Jennifer Lottes
- [OPLINLIST] RTI TapeCheck 490
Deb Malecha
- [OPLINLIST] RTI TapeCheck 490 - gone
Deb Malecha
- [OPLINLIST] Summary - Pros/Cons of Charging for Meeting Rooms
Gloria Malone
- [OPLINLIST] State Library of Ohio Announces Availability of LSTA funds for Full Grants
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] State Library of Ohio News
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] LearningExpress Library Test Prep & Tutorials
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] PubMed, TOXNET, and NLM Database training Columbus, OH April 27-29, 2009
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] Important Notification Regarding LearningExpress Library
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] ALA - Advocating in a Tough Economy" toolkit
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] Applications for YALSA's Teen Tech WeekT mini grants due Jan. 19 (members only)
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] National Library Week
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] FW: ALAO SSIG Spring Workshop
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
- [OPLINLIST] State Library of Ohio launches redesigned website
Marsha McDevitt-Stredney
Rachelle Miller
- [OPLINLIST] lead responses
Rachelle Miller
- [OPLINLIST] Check out the Westerville Public Library's new website!
Tamara Murray
- [OPLINLIST] Floating collections
Nablo, Judy
- [OPLINLIST] HP Fax (bad) & HP Ink Cartridge (good) available
Bob Neeper
- [OPLINLIST] Ref: HP Fax (bad) & HP Ink Cartridge (good) available INK IS GONE
Bob Neeper
- [OPLINLIST] Energy Policy
Newland, Candy
- [OPLINLIST] Hand-held Video Game Security
Barb Niekamp
- [OPLINLIST] snow days
Deborah O'Connor
- [OPLINLIST] FW: [ala-ifc] ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom Director Krug recipient of Brennan Award
Kent Oliver
- [OPLINLIST] CD lockboxes
Wendy Payne
- [OPLINLIST] CD lockboxes
Wendy Payne
- [OPLINLIST] Board Book Question
Susan Pieper
- [OPLINLIST] Reference Question Counting
Susan Pieper
- [OPLINLIST] Childrens Book Lead Content Action
Susan Pieper
- [OPLINLIST] Tragic News
Susan Pieper
- [OPLINLIST] SEO Expo Newsletter--Volume 1, Issue 21
- [OPLINLIST] Training Opportunity from SERLS
- [OPLINLIST] Workshop for directors and administrators!
- [OPLINLIST] Workshop on How to Handle Problem Patrons
- [OPLINLIST] Web 2.0 for the Layperson
- [OPLINLIST] Customer Service Workshop
- [OPLINLIST] Workshop in Columbus- Blogs, Wikis and RSS Feeds
- [OPLINLIST] Friends group
Jane Schaffner
- [OPLINLIST] KIDSTUFF magazine rhymes about elephants...
Barb Scott
- [OPLINLIST] Kidstuff Issue thanks!
Barb Scott
- [OPLINLIST] Summer Food Service Programs...
Barb Scott
Barb Scott
- [OPLINLIST] Program Scam Alert
Shafer, Scott
- [OPLINLIST] Wii Games Circulation
Stephanie Small
- [OPLINLIST] Grossology Storytime Ideas for Preschoolers
Heidi L. Smith
- [OPLINLIST] Still a few spots left in the OPLIN Web Kits beta!
Laura Solomon
- [OPLINLIST] People are talking about you, but do you know what they are saying?
Laura Solomon
- [OPLINLIST] Only 3 Dynamic Website Kit spots left!
Laura Solomon
- [OPLINLIST] Library ELF moving to a subscription model
Laura Solomon
- [OPLINLIST] OPLIN Dynamic Website Kits now all spoken for!
Laura Solomon
- [OPLINLIST] World Book adds Hispanica database
Laura Solomon
- [OPLINLIST] Possible EBSCO outages this weekend
Laura Solomon
- [OPLINLIST] Jungle murals for sale
Karen Sonderman
- [OPLINLIST] Blu-Ray Collections
Brian Stambaugh
- [OPLINLIST] Cuyahoga County Public Librarians - Focus Group Participation Opportunity
Mary Stansbury
- [OPLINLIST] OHIONET workshop: Fundamentals of Cataloging--NEW in 2009!
Evan Struble
- [OPLINLIST] Attn: NORWELD libraries
OPLIN Support
- [OPLINLIST] cash deposits for books
Laura Thorne
- [OPLINLIST] snow days
Laura Thorne
- [OPLINLIST] weather question-thanks
Laura Thorne
- [OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS Spring Continuing Education Calendar Now Available
Bonnie Tyler
- [OPLINLIST] Blu-ray
Michael Vollmar-Grone
- [OPLINLIST] Wii Games Circulation
Michael Vollmar-Grone
- [OPLINLIST] Lead Testing and Libraries question.
Marsha Wagner
- [OPLINLIST] January Books for Adoption
Weinstein, Robin
- [OPLINLIST] interested in judging a romance-novel contest?
Lynne Welch
- [OPLINLIST] Thanks - judging a romance-novel contest
Lynne Welch
- [OPLINLIST] Text of the poem "Square as a House"
Jay Wise
Anita S. Woods
- [OPLINLIST] [Fwd: DVD cases] gone
Anita S. Woods
- [OPLINLIST] Bookshelves
editor at oplin.org
- [OPLINLIST] Terry Pluto Author Event
gillja at oplin.org
- [OPLINLIST] snow days
huizenge at oplin.org
- [OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS Upcoming Continuing Education
lattanzm at neo-rls.org
- [OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS Upcoming Continuing Education
lattanzm at neo-rls.org
- [OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS Upcoming Continuing Education
lattanzm at neo-rls.org
- [OPLINLIST] NEO-RLS Upcoming Continuing Education
lattanzm at neo-rls.org
- [OPLINLIST] Pros/Cons Charging for Meeting Rooms
malonegl at oplin.org
morlocpa at oplin.org
thomasd1 at oplin.org
- [OPLINLIST] YA Book Discussion Kits
virginia wright
Last message date:
Fri Jan 30 19:24:06 EDT 2009
Archived on: Fri Jan 30 19:24:08 EDT 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).